Photo by: Tanya Essery
From holding the light to being the light, we continue to stand together in love and unity while the many events around the world and here at home play out around us. Remaining in stillness and holding space for others can feel evermore burdensome now as we are all faced with our own individual journey through reclaiming sovereignty and spiritual development. This path introduces new challenges and old opportunities to allow us to learn and grow in that beautiful divine flow of ever moving and constantly shifting energy. No adventure is short of adversity. Relationships carry us through to the end and help us see our true selves in the reflection of those around us. What a gift we have in the connection to each other and to those we haven't yet met that are on this well worn and travelled path. Let us hold the light for each other.
Let us be the light for each other. Though the darkness may linger, our connecting light of love consciousness dispels the dense frequencies and negative programs that haunt our loved ones, neighbors and gorgeous country. Let us set the example of compassion, patience and love for all to witness.

Photo by: Tanya Essery
Connecting Consciousness Canada is no stranger to the journey. We have been travelling together since 2015. In June 2020, there were 750 of us walking together. Just this past week, we have seen over 250 join the adventure to bring us a total of 5.500 beautiful souls in Canada and over 100,000 worldwide! To help keep us on the path together, we are seeing the birth of the Connecting Consciousness Mighty Network Platform.
This will carve new pathways of connection and growth with international group engagement. This platform will act like our previous international platform, MeWePRO CC. Invites for this platform will be sent out over the course of the month and in the interim, please check out this video introduction:
*NEW* CC Monthly Spiritual Topics
We are excited to announce a new offering and focus on a monthly basis! Connecting Consciousness across the planet will be discussing and supporting monthly spiritual topics in our gatherings in person and online. The intention here is to unify the country groups through a spiritual lense and mindful practices. Every month, we will introduce the Spiritual Topic as well as practices and homework to keep our spiritual senses sharp during the raging storm around us.
Heart-Centered Living
What is Heart-Centered Living? From a young age, we are taught to respond to the world using our minds and not our hearts. While our mind is a beautiful gift, it is through our spiritual heart that we find truth, wisdom, and connection with our Divine Self. In every moment we have a choice — to live from the head or live from the heart — to live unconsciously on autopilot or to live from conscious awareness.

Imagine if all of humanity shifted from making logical mind-based choices to using their intuition and making heart-based choices. In a heartbeat, the world would change for the better. We would transcend fear-based programming and our mind’s limited conditioning. Divine love is expressing itself through us whenever we allow it. When we live from our heart center, we tap into this unwavering, unconditional, unbounded love and we share our love and light with others.
Heart Centered Thought: What experiences have you had when you’ve made choices or acted using your intuition instead of logic, and what was the result?
International CC Member Meditation to Raise Consciousness

Leigh – NZ/Oceania IS/Antarctica, and Jo – Oceania/Asia are hosting a fantastic meditation to bring all members together each week. It's a wonderful way to bring us all together with a focused intention of raising consciousness. It's only around 20 minutes so it will be a brief Zoom - We realize how crazy busy everyone is at this time.
We can only accommodate 1000 members at any one time so please make sure you are in waiting room 5-10 minutes prior. If we have over this amount, we will do our best to accommodate you the following week.
There are two days/times to choose from, or you can attend both if you like. The Zoom link is the same each week and is valid for both sessions so please keep it on file.
Fridays - 2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST
Saturdays - 6:00 AM EST/3:00 AM PST
Every week same days, same times - see you there!!
Hope as many as possible can attend - 100 people attending hold the energy for 1 million!
Meditation Link:
Meeting ID: 813 1848 5414
Passcode: 774839
Coordinator Team Announcements

We are excited to welcome new members to the coordinator team! As we continue to grow and expand, ever so important that we increase support and service. These members have stepped forward and will be adding much needed support in growing areas of the country.
NEW Quebec Provincial Coordinators: Tracey & Jean Marc

Jean-Marc is an empathetic, creative and agile leader who is passionate about exploring the possibilities by which people, collaborative innovation, design and technology could contribute to creating a positive and sustainable future for humanity. Jean-Marc is a hybrid thinker -- one part visionary, one part humanist, and one part innovation strategist. With a design thinking mindset, he wants to influence the bigger picture by blending spirituality, science and technology, and social innovation. Jean-Marc promotes a culture of leadership based on unity and service to others. His core values are: Love, kindness, empathy, respect, honesty, mutuality, open-mindedness, competence, cooperation, agility, flexibility and resilience.
Tracey is a friendly, approachable, optimistic and passionate person who possesses strong intuition, practices generous listening and is always willing to help others. Having survived several life challenges in terms of physical health, Tracey is a resilient fighter who fully embraces life, loves to laugh and savors every moment. An expert in textile technology and problem solving, Tracey has a diverse background in uniforms, protective apparel, sports and outdoor clothing. Tracey is a team player, a self-starter, an investigator, an analytical thinker, and a meticulous and detail-oriented person. The causes that are close to her heart are the protection of children and animals.
NEW British Columbia East Coordinator: Tammy

I am a Metaphysical Minister, a clear conscious channel and Reiki Master. I do Spiritual Counselling and healing using Reiki, Alchemical and Transformational techniques along with tarot and oracle cards for a visual aid. I work on animals as well as humans. I have always been blissed with a close connection with my guides and angels and I rely on my intuition completely. Currently, I am working on a dissertation to recieve my doctorate in Metaphysical Sciences. My hobbies include all that is artistic lol, camping, hiking, swimming and loads of other outdoor activites, gardening, building things and singing. I love working with people and I have a deep fondness for assisting them with facilitating and cultivating the feeling of empowerment in everyone I meet.
Zoom/In Person Fall Schedule
As the months get cooler and the leaves fall, we keep each other warm with love and connecting from ocean to ocean. . We turn up the heat this month with new gatherings like our coffee table zoom chats with coordinators Susan (Fraser Region, BC) and Jacqueline Northern Ontario Region), extra meditation sessions with NB coordinator Chrsitine and our All Things UFO Night! We also see the return of our Zoom gatherings in BC East and Quebec!
Download the FULL November Schedule here:
MEDITATION BHUTAN – Khenpo Rinchen Phuntsho
Thank you to all who joined our sessions to date, and those who intended to join the special sessions to hold space to create a powerful resonance across Canada and the globe in peace and harmony as we move through our day today.
In our first session we had Guillerme, a newly recruited cc member who joined us from Paris France whom we have to thank for connecting us with Novin Sinchuri, another newly recruited CC member in Bhutan who reached out to Khenpo to join us on this journey of peace and power. Novin is a tourism specialist in Bhutan, an artist and musician, spiritual aspirant and meditator.
On December 15, Novin will lead us in the watercolour meditation, so please join us for that enriching session.
We were blessed and had the pleasure of having Khenpo Rinchen Phuntsho, a Senior monk in Bhutan join us for our premier Sunrise Meditation.
(Khenpo is a title equivalent to PhD in philosophy and Bhuddism). He is from the village of Mongar, located in eastern Bhutan. His spiritual experience includes 9 years of monkhood (which is a type of education) at the Institute Lodra Karchu; followed by meditation and realization for a further 13 years and 13 months in Mebar Tsho at the historical burning lake in Burnthang, also in the eastern part of Bhutan; and 12 years making Bhuddist statues in Thimphu, while serving his own monastery in Monger with 25 other practitioners, and continues to do this to this day. His daily commitment to make and sell the statues from the monastery is for the purpose of supporting and allowing the 25 practitioners concentrate on their practice and fulfill their spiritual temple stay at the monastery.
We were honoured and blessed to have our Sunrise Meditation, although for Khempo it was a sundowner meditation… beautiful as we had the yin and yang influence in this special session.
In directing the light to Khenpo, he took us through key aspects of meditating. It was a unique experience as I was unaware the experience would be through translation via Novin. We may have expected a guided meditation, and instead Khempo’s understanding was to teach us the basics of how to meditate first. Although time seemed somewhat lost in translation it was the lesson and the meditation. A practice of humility and compassion for a gentle man, having never shared his spiritual practice on zoom or understand our expectations, yet so inspired and blessed feeling our desire to have him share his wisdom with our gathering. For Khenpo this session began the night before. He requested the attendees names in order that he could sit with the intention and our energies to bless the actions of this day and include us in his prayers as he began his 3am prayer session.
The Q&As arising from this gathering: Title: "Working through loss" and the wisdom shared from Khenpo
We chose this topic to atone with the reality that surrounds many of us in some way. Over the last 1.5 years we’ve come face to face with loss. Loss of family, friends, job, freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of choice…and we continue to face circumstances of uncertainty. How do we cope with the uncertainty and the ever-encroaching pain of loss? His wisdom follows. There are many ways to overcome loss: but if it is very bad, with a belief in lotus born master Guru Padmasambhava, chant his mantra seven times (7x).
It is as follows:
“Om Aah Hung Vajra Guro Padma Sedhi Hung”
“May I attain the state of adamantine Guro Padmasambhava”
You may continue to chant this more than the seven times if you wish, with the benefit of further focus and intention on the solution of your pain. It is believed that if you do this with great faith its effect is felt within days.
It is also essential to maintain an Empathic, positive mind.
(this video is an example to refer to)
We are taught in the west that it is ok to sit or lie down to meditate. It is essential always to be poised with a straight posture, head straight (not lifted) and tucked/aligned with the spine and your eyes closed with the focus on the tip of your nose. Never be carried away with your emotions - practice balance. It’s best to not be carried away by a moment (whether happy or sad) always follow emptiness of mind, in any time of life. Our mind is permanent. It cannot be killed or stopped. The only way to get rid of suffering is in emptiness. It is best to not get carried away by emotions. Our mind is peaceful and work to not let any emotions carry you away. Some monks do not feel the heat/cold in various climates. Why? “Everything is mind” Compassion is the key to everything and never be carried away by current situations because we are all mortal; creating our reality; Living beings; light. We are light because we burn light in our stomach. We eat and make fire in our stomach. Everything is a meditation (focus of mind). Everything is burning; light. We build our reality to our mind itself. Everything is recorded as One. You cannot hurt someone and sweep it under the carpet. Everything is burning, “I am burning butter, rice from my dinner as I speak now, and me speaking is a ritual, an offering” he said. This can be explained through metaphysical science as well. QUESTION: How do we deal with physical discomfort during meditation?
It is very difficult to build a body fit for meditation. In preparing a body for meditation, monks starts very young. Best to not indulge in material things in Dharma.
Doing so diverts the mind and is limiting and can control our minds. We sit in a disciplined manner a little bit of time each day. You can also do yoga practice and prostration at forehead, chin and heart till you can touch the ground. Doing this 20 minutes each day will ease the discomfort eventually as you sit in meditation.
While doing the position demonstrated hold the breath of life as long as possible and release it very slowly once done. QUESTION: Please explain the Observing the emptiness of the mind, versus the heart- that we learn here in the west? As long as we are meditating…. We are all holy spirit. heart/mind is very similar. QUESTION: Is it essential to have an Alignment of Mind, Heart and gut? Our mind and our heart needs to be in alignment Our heart should be listening to our mind Our mind should be listening to our heart - always staying in emptiness Mind’s emptiness = loss of ego A day in the life of Khempo Rinchen:
He rises at 3am and does prayers, mediation 7am breakfast, after breakfast he spends his day working, making statues until 6pm. It is commerce, selling statues to support 25 of his fellow practitioners in his village so they can survive and practice dharma. 8pm he has his evening ritual, prayer changing water at temple and has dinner, then sleeps QUESTION: What is the reason for a very early rise? Early wake is a very big blessing because (in scriptures) Gods will be visiting us (positive energy). 3am is peak of that energy. If you wake early you will have a very successful day. QUESTION: Positioning of eyes in meditation? Up? Down? Closed? Many focus on the third eye. Basic goal is to keep mind focused In Bhutan they measure success with level of happiness as opposed to GDP Closing Remarks He is surprised to have people all over the world with interest in spirituality. Happy to share and happy with our first session. He will make himself available to share further and guide us anytime we wish.
Following the session Khenpo wanted to affirm that out of all the preparations for meditation, never forget the tongue touching the roof of our mouth when meditating; it’s the essence of Mudra.
He also states that since this is the first time, and did not know what to anticipate, he hopes to go deeper in spiritual teachings. He is afraid his answers were not too deep. He needed to understand our interest and will delve deeper in future sessions with us.
Join us in our upcoming sessions on Nov17, Dec 15 (includes watercolour painting and meditation), Dec 29.
Please send in your questions for Khenpo to me at
Until next time.
In Light,
Lucy, Ontario Provincial Coordinator

November welcomes a warm dry week
The sun not wanting to wane
The leaves turn colour, the earth they seek
While the squirrels busy through windowpane
November is the most beautiful month
The warm sunny day and cool nights
A chilling reminder of winter it punts
Daylight challenges the dark to a fight
November is clean up and put away
While the light is a friend to hu- man
Summer chairs and beach swag surely can’t stay
To the old storage shed they are banned
November, I welcome you with open arms
Knowing one day soon you’ll be gone
And winter replacing with all of its charm
A new kind of beauty and song
by Jacqueline Denis ON North Coordinator
from her book "Lake Erie Calling"
Gateway Affirmation

I am more than my physical body.
Because I am more than physical matter,
I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world.
Therefore, I deeply desire to Expand, to Experience; to Know, to Innerstand; to Control,
To use such greater energies and energy systems as may be
Beneficial and constructive to me and to those who follow me.
Also, I deeply desire the help and cooperation, the assistance, the innerstanding of those individuals whose wisdom, development and experience are equal to or greater than my own.
I ask their guidance and protection from any influence or any source that might provide me with less than my stated desires.
Excerpt: The Monroe Institute
Submitted by: Christine NB Coordinator
Final Thoughts

All Paths Lead Home
The Starseed Oracle
By: Rebecca Campbell
It’s normal to look to the external world for answers and guidance. What’s revolutionary is turning your gaze inward. We are being called to source your guidance from within. To study the terrain of your inner landscape. To develop a reliable relationship with your soul. The more time we spend connecting with our soul, the deeper the connection will become.
The challenge is staying connected without cutting off the world. One way to do this is to develop a daily practice that helps you to keep checking in. To draw wisdom within and let that be the authority in our lives. To get in the habit of turning your gaze within - getting centred for the day - before consuming anything from the outside world. To start from a feeling of ‘at homeness’ and throughout each day, to find simple ways to keep coming ‘home.’
This doesn’t mean switching off from the realities of today’s world - we need as many conscious people as possible living with their eyes wide open. Starting your day from a place of connectedness, grace and devotion, puts us in a state of unshakeable being when we go out into the world. A state where you draw your strength, authority and guidance from a place deep, deep within.
How are you being called to turn your gaze within?
Be and Grow in Enlightenment this November
