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CC Canada September 2021 Newsletter

Haliburton, Ontario

As the sun begins to set on our summer, it can be easy to name all the things we might not have gotten to that we wanted during these warm and busy months. We cram so much in to try to do it all that we can loose sight on the horizon before us. Reminding ourselves to be still and calm even in times of strife and separation is ever so important now as we enter new stages of Connecting Consciousness as a group, an organization and as a family. We are in this canoe together and if we are to make it across the lake, we must honor the rhythms, timing and harmony with each motion. Even in calm waters we can paddle in circles if we are not cohesive and in unison. To "paddle pause" and slow down our motion in order to adjust and and regain connection with each other so we may continue on this beautiful journey in tandem as one.

Sometimes during a canoe trip, there may be a portage or two. Getting out of the water loading up your packs and carrying your canoe to the next lake can be quite the task. Some portages are short and offer an easy stroll through the woods. Others, are longer, twisted and swampy. Not to mention the bugs that ring in your ears as you balance 75 pounds of boat on your neck. At the end, you turn the bend and there lies the glassy water with the sun setting behind the pines and you hear a pair of loons sing as you ease yourself off the shore and continue on your way over new water.

French River, Ontario

CC Canada is grateful for the journey it has had thus far. It certainly wouldn't be where it is without those helping along the way. We thank all those who have offered their time, energy and commitment to connect like-minded Canadians together. We all contribute to raising the vibration each time gather together in love and compassion and it requires strength and resolve to stand in your truth when in times of great challenge. In order to meet these challenges and learn from them, we must adapt and sharpen our tools and skills to provide the best service and support to each other. To get to know how CC Canada is doing, we put out a little survey for folks to review and fill out to offer some insights and feedback on their experiences on this journey thus far. Here are some results of those findings:

In Connecting Consciousness Canada, as of August 26th, 2021, there are 4512 members who are not blocked and not unsubscribed. There are 1806 member subscribed to the Canadian website. The survey had 174 total responses, of which 114 were complete. Of total users this represents a response rate of 3.9% total and 2.5% completed. If the number of members subscribed to the website is used as an estimate of the number of active members, then the response rate is 9.6% total and 6.3% completed.

Viewed 261

Started 174

Completed 114

Completion Rate 65.52%

Drop Outs (After Starting) 60

Average Time to Complete Survey 11 minutes

Why did you join Connecting Consciousness?

1. To meet like-minded people 101 44.10%

2. To stay up to date on what is happening 62 27.07%

3. For social support 44 19.21%

4. Other 22 9.61% Total 229 100%

How satisfied are you with the following?

1. Zoom meetups 89 3.382

2. In person meetups 68 3.574

3. CC Canada Website 100 3.740

4. CC Canada Telegram Group 78 3.910

5. Email communication from CC Canada 104 3.865

Average 3.694

Break Down

Zoom meetups (satisfaction level)

In person meetups (satisfaction level)

CC Canada Website (satisfaction level)

CC Canada Telegram Channel

Email communication from CC Canada (satisfaction level)

How do you find the frequency of emails from CC Canada?

How would you like to help in Connecting Consciousness Canada?

1. Become a Coordinator or Small Group Leader 16 8.38%

2. Be added to our Healer and Helper Resource 40 20.94%

3. Social Team Planning 8 4.19%

4. Administrative support 11 5.76%

5. Computer/IT/website support 3 1.57%

6. Audio/Visual 6 3.14%

7. Marketing support 4 2.09%

8. Social Media support 7 3.66%

9. Networking 15 7.85%

10. Accounting 2 1.05%

11. Translation 7 3.66%

12. Contribute with a financial donation 5 2.62%

13. Propose a Project 12 6.28%

14. Unavailable to help at the moment 36 18.85%

15. Other 19 9.95% Total 191 100%

"In general, what do you find is working well in Connecting Consciousness Canada?".

- Zoom meetings are working well, and it is good that we can attend any regions not just our region. I enjoy the meetings in person as well, it is great to meet everybody and share ideas, opinions and laughter.

- Providing truthful information on what is really happening in the world. Providing a sense of community so you know you are not alone in your beliefs.

- The posts right now are very helpful and helping me feel connected to a community of like minded people. I enjoy the seminars too. I will do a in person meet up soon.

- Connecting with membership through in person meetups and zooms. - Philip at our helm is a rock, Summer is amazing; both are kind, compassionate and supportive. - Telegram channels are a great communication tool

- We are meeting new like minded people from outside our town and usual circle. I am pleased to hear that projects in which we can participate, are being organized.

- I am actually blown away by The accelerated organization and rapid spread in a very orderly fashion of the connections across Canada and the world. It appears to me that there is guidance from project management experts. This is no longer a grassroots, scrambling to grow organization. It is growing effectively and efficiently and I'm amazed and thrilled about it.

- I love the networking and connection

- Love meeting all different people via Zoom meetings, getting different perspectives from them than my own and seeing what's happening across Canada and the rest of the Europe, since that's all the "links" that I've been Zoomed into. Love reading the monthly letters. My Area Coordinator is great. Love, love Simon: been following him for 2 years now and I feel VERY honored that I can be a "part" of his team! Everything is great with CC.

- I think that CC Canada is doing an amazing job. The connection is great.


Thank you to everyone who helped with this survey and big thanks to those who took the time to fill it out! We are reviewing all of the responses and will be listening to everyone's suggestions, feedback and requests. We are very grateful for your patience as we build this beautiful community together!


Coordinator Team Announcements

As many of you know by now, there have been some changes on the coordinator team which has left some regions like BC and Alberta without a provincial coordinator for the time being. At the moment we are observing a grace period and will not be making any official announcement for another couple weeks. However, we are pleased to share that we will see some current sitting local coordinators move into provincial positions.

Coordinators Still Needed:

Manitoba, Quebec, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador, NWT, Nunavut

Coordinator and Small Group Leader Workshop:

Current List of Coordinators can be found here:


Connecting Consciousness International Updates

As Connecting Consciousness moves forward, heading into Sept and the Fall, we are beginning to see the roll out of the QFS. (Quantum Financial System). Each day, we edge closer and closer to this inevitability and as we do, CC must continue to adept to the climate at each stage. Thus, we are looking at over the course of the next number of weeks to formalize policies and procedures, increase training and offer more support for coordinators than ever before! We are most definitely in the building and creation period so we are all here at such a beautiful time and we are thankful you are here with us.


CC Canada Projects & Proposals

On September 21, 2021, we will be hosting all those who have submitted a humanitarian project or idea for an inclusive and interactive zoom gathering to discuss the next stages and steps of our CC projects in Canada! For those who did not get their project in yet, not to worry! We will be having another round of submissions with the re-launch of the updated Project Proposal Form! Keep posted as that will be out within a couple weeks!


Zoom/In Person Fall Schedule

If you have checked out the upcoming events section on the website, you might have noticed events booked all the way through November! So many opportunities for connection have been planned from coast to coast for the next 3 months!

With all the recent changes, we are re-evaluating our zoom gathering schedule so please be patient as we will have that scheduled and posted by week's end!

Meditation Group

Along with our new schedule, we see the return of our mediation group on Sundays! The major change here though is the start time. We will be gathering every Sunday at 4pm EST/1pm PST for 1 hour. We start September 12th and the full schedule until the end of December will be posted. Each Sunday will be hosted by a different coordinator focusing on variety of topics.

Special Support Groups

We also saw the creation of a few new groups during August! The Parent & Family Group, LGBTQ & Allies, Education & Teacher's Group all had their 1st zoom gatherings and we are looking forward to getting together again in September! Now more than ever it is important to gather in support of each other pertaining to our areas of need and interest.

In Person

Connecting Consciousness Canada has seen over 2 dozen people step forward as Small Group Leaders to host in person gatherings from all over Canada. More opportunities have sprouted with support in key areas that haven't seen a coordinator or SGL in a very long time if not ever. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan will see their first meet ups in September! If you are interested in setting up a group in your area, please contact your closest coordinator for details!


The following report is a summary of our 1st Education & Teacher's Gathering

Educator’s Vision for the Future

By Tim (CC Canada member)

Educators nurture the growth of our children and help lead them into the future. The inaugural Zoom conference of our CC Education and Teacher’s group was more than successful in working towards a reform of the current education system in Canada to better fulfill that goal. There was wide agreement amongst all seventeen participants from across the country that our current system is like an industrial assembly line; focused on indoctrinating and molding students to fill corporate jobs with a state agenda. Even though our group represented a wide range of generational experience in the teaching profession, there was an amazing correlation of opinion that education should focus on the individual student and the outcome should be an unfolding of inherent interests and abilities for their betterment.

The communality of understanding and purpose within our CC Educators and Teacher’s group was most heartening in the present climate of dissention. There was universal agreement amongst us that student-focused reforms are needed, and that a spiritual and holistic appreciation of the needs and abilities of the individual student is lacking in the current “cookie cutter” system. A deep and warm thank you to all who participated, and please convey any comments or proposals for our next agenda!


What a Journey

By: Nicole (Canada Central Coordinator)

2020 was certainly one for the books. So very different from any year ever: Playing by the rules to « flatten the curve ». When 2021 came around and there seemed to be no sign of the measures lifting, no travel outside of Canada and threats to not even attempt to cross provincial lines, it dawned on me that following the rules was no longer an option for me.

There used to be a Winnipeg radio show on CJOB when I was young.... »dedicated to the shut-in’s » the announcer used to say... My young heart wondered: « What is a shut in? » Well here I was, in my condo because of variant upsilon, phi beta something. I was now a shut in? No way! My spirit is one of curiosity and wonder. A child of the prairies, now living in Ontario, I hit the road!

I realized I was craving nature, grounding and mother earth’s beauty. Have a look at some of the epic views along the way as I traveled from Ontario to Banff and back in May, Québec city in June and Montebello in July! Canada in all her glory. Nature’s bounty. After journeying the Trans Canada and gaining great perspective on yet another unusual year, I was reminded how very unique each province truly is. The discord world wide is also here. People are uncomfortable, on edge. There has to be a way out of this somehow? My inspiration, for now, is to turn to the comfort I find in nature; fuel for my soul.


Channeled Messages

By: Cyndi (Ontario SGL)

Within the light the key to honor all who are seen

The wills of man seek thy call

And honor all they befall

The hopes and dreams we create within

Will change the outcome of the cabal

The visions of love are faith and are seen

For love will issue all its seeds

The table of feats whos vision was love

Will move the mountains in this fall

The luck of will and dreams galore

Will benefit others who hold it tall

The waves of energy in pyramids of love

Will issue more light to be seen by all

Find the token of our affection

In fields of beans that come into view

The night and angels from above will direct you to the one you chose

Rock of earth and moon felt auras

Will be gifted to you for this awareness

Dance with angels and move in time

As dragons come in to burn the sounds

The knights of the table will honor thy command

As grids will be set to all thy lands

Open to discussion the talk is lively

The moods of the awaken are moving in strides

As they ground in the love and stand in time

Honor thy skills and share thy gifts

To help the beginnings of strides of the new

The time is now to begin anew

For angels of friends watch and cheer with our love

Love and gratitude

Guardian of night

Light federation kin of mine

Lead with your heart and join with hands

For we guide you to the ones to help with all they can


Final Thoughts

Growing up, September has always been the start of the "unofficial" new year. A fresh school year brought with it new chances, new opportunities, new experiences as we grow and develop within ourselves and outwardly within the community. As we enter this September, it might not feel like a "fresh start" but this year, we are the builders and shapers of our classroom. We can make this year the best and most engaging year to date and together we are the teachers, the students, the librarians, the administration support and of course the heart. As one, we work to offer services and support for each other to assist in that growth and innerstanding which we all need to reach our full potential. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes a child to give purpose to the village. Let us enter this unofficial new year with the awe and wonder as a child does discovering a new idea or concept. The fascination of how something works or is put together. Let our imaginations and hearts guide us and if we can trust and allow this organic process to move as it should, we might find ourselves living the New Earth we talk about so much.

Much Love from the heart to the stars!

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