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CC Canada August 2021 Newsletter

Photo by: New Brunswick Coordinator Christine

Location: Haute-Aboujagane, NB

As we sail through summer, we should celebrate as we have created more connections than ever in the history of CC Canada! We are all a part of this creation and are all instrumental in the raising of the vibration of Unconditional Love. As we do, at times we might feel like our friend above standing in the water. Alone in the vastness of all that is contemplating our role in it all. We can however, change our perception to see we are the vastness. We are the Ocean. We are the Sky. We are the Light.

It has been a busy month here across CC Canada and we couldn't have done it without our amazing coordinator team! Special thank you to coordinators coast to coast for your commitment and dedication to support members of Connecting Consciousness across almost 10 000 000 square kilometers of beautiful country! Wow, that's a large number! Let's dive deeper with:

CC Canada

By the Numbers

  • 4,599 Registered Members

  • 475 New Members in June

  • 1350 Members on the Website

  • 702 Members on the Telegram Channel

  • 44 Events Hosted in July

  • 45+ Events Planned for August

  • 200+ Events since March 2021

  • 60 Initial Project Proposal Submissions

  • 9 Sub Committees of the QDT (Quantum Disciplinary Team)

  • 25 Coordinators (BC,AB,SK,YT,ON,QC,NB,NS)

  • 22 Small Group Leaders (BC,AB,ON,QC,NB,PEI)


Welcome New Connecting Consciousness Members

Many of you might be wondering what exactly did I sign up for!? Well we are here to answer any of your questions and encourage you to attend any upcoming event to start to get to know the group! We also have our New Member & Website Workshop available here:


New Coordinators/Small Group Leaders

In addition to the coordinators that have recently joined the team, we are excited to announce 2 other members have stepped up to support to areas of need!

Tammy (Yukon Coordinator) -

Debbie (Family Coordinator) -

My name is Debbie, I live in Sherwood Park, Alberta and I am a mom to three children. One who is grown and two at home. I am a homeschooling mom navigating work and family life and everything in between. My passion has always been making children laugh. I have a Degree in Drama and children's theatre is my favourite.

My dream is to have a community of parents who support, encourage and lift each other up. Through our foundation, we can offer this same support to our children. Through Zoom meetings, large and small gatherings, my wish is that parents and their children find a place to connect. It's time for us to build our village.

A full list of coordinators can be found here in our New Directory:

We also welcome new Small Group Leaders into the fold! Here is a rundown of our SGL's thus far:

BC - Eva, Gordana, Jane, Catherine, L-J, Lois, Dan, Duncan

AB - Brenda, Lavina & Mitch, Gloria, Martha, Bob & Brigitta, Dominica, Cindy

ON - Laureen, Cyndi, Paddy

QC - Josie

NB - Maureen

Small Group Leaders and Coordinators are still needed. For more info check out our workshop:

Contact your local coordinator to take the next steps!


Special Interest Groups

A Community of Support

Parents and Families

We are excited to announce that with Debbie coming on as our Family Coordinator, we will be hosting our first Parent and Family Zoom Gathering 'The Village' on August 22nd at 1pm EST. In addition, we have also created the Parent and Family Group on the website which you can join here:

This group is just at the beginning stages and we are looking forward to watching this grow and develop over the next months and year! To be a part of this creation, please join us August 22nd to start the building of our village!

LGBTQ & Allies Group

This is a group for Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Trans/Queer members of CC Canada, and their allies! The co-coordinators are Summer Boone, who is also the co-coordinator of the Eastern Ontario / Western Quebec group, and Tom Brown, who also signed up to provide IT support for CC Canada this past month.

Many of us are experiencing a lack of connection as society has become more polarized. LGBTQ people have often felt this in the past from mainstream society, and have often sought out connection with LGBTQ friends. However, there is now a larger divide within the LGBTQ community with some people buying into the mainstream narrative during this time of transition, and we are feeling a deeper lack of connection.

CC Canada believes in providing space for all communities. When a gap is noticed in Connecting Consciousness, and people come forward to who want to help, we can create a space where people feel safe and welcome. In the LGBTQ & Allies group we will chat about spirituality related to the LGBTQ community as well as two-spiritedness, mental health, ego-political news, and all the things. We will offer a respectful space for people to find others to connect, socialize, and build our community. We will be holding our first online gathering via Zoom on Tuesday, August 24th from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST.

Join our New Group here:


Education and Teachers Group

This group is currently in development. Please stay posted for more details soon!


Fall 2021 Schedule Launch

Starting this September 7th (New Moon & Simon's Birthday) we will be officially launching our Full Schedule for the Autumn! This will include online & in person gatherings, workshops, special groups and more. In order to serve the members of CC Canada better, we will be releasing a small survey within the next couple weeks. Please keep posted and participate in the creation of CC Canada entering 2022 and beyond!


Project Proposals Update

Our Project Team has been working very hard to organize and compile together all the project submissions. With the 1st Intake Session is now complete, those that have filled out a Project Form (Proposal or Idea) will be invited to a special Project Proposal Workshop in September with the team and other professionals in the field. Full details will be sent via email to those invited.

If you did not get in your Project Idea or Proposal before July 31st, do not worry! Our 2nd Intake Session will begin early August! Stay posted for an official announcement and procedure!

Thank you to all who have submitted a project form! We are looking forward to building a better Canada for everyone together!


Final Thoughts

As we settle into mid-summer's dream and try to hold off the colder months for as long as possible, let us remember how far we have travelled. Back in May 2020, we had 750 members in Canada with 1 Zoom gathering a week with only 3 coordinators located in Ontario. Now, we 47 leaders across the country in all but MB, NL, NWT, and NT. Before the snow falls, we will have coordinators in every province and territory! We edge closer to 5,000 members at a time when people are ready for a change of perception. Everyone can feel it within their bones, their soul and heart. We will not be held down and restricted any longer as our Light is shining brighter than ever. Our In Person Gatherings have been a lifesaver for those craving more intimate connection with fellow members while the online gatherings continue to expand and grow to bring Canadians closer together during this transition. So many more memories and connections will be made over the course of August and September. We are not alone in this movement. We are not alone in this healing. We are not alone in this creation of the New Earth. We are the builders. We are the artists. We are the visionaries that will usher in a time of great prosperity and peace across a nation that has been plagued with darkness for far too long. Now is the Age of Knowing. Now is the Age of Love. Now is the Age of Compassion. And so it is.

Be and Grow in Enlightenment Connecting Consciousness Canada

Captures of Conscious Connection in Canada

CC Ontario Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville and Surrounding Areas

July 29th 2021

CC Ontario Ottawa and Surrounding Areas

July 19th 2021

CC BC Fraser Region

July 25th 2021


375 views9 comments


Unknown member
Aug 16, 2021

Wonderful and insightful newsletter 😍


Unknown member
Aug 11, 2021

Merci Philip! Great newsie newsletter!

Much appreciate hearing what’s happening from Coast to Coast! A CC newbie in Victoria, BC


Katie Hall
Katie Hall
Aug 08, 2021

I'm a new member and love seeing the numbers of how Canada is branching out! 🌿


Hilda Summers
Aug 04, 2021

Why am I getting so many cc messages from cc groups in Ontario and Quebec.. I live on Vancouver Island

Unknown member
Aug 11, 2021
Replying to

Hi Hilda! There is a glitch that adds people to groups unannounced. We are working at getting that fixed. You can leave the group and/or turn off your notifications by checking out the FAQ section!


Unknown member
Aug 03, 2021

its says BC meeting 7pm Thursday when you click to register it says 10am on the fifth?? what am i missing , lol

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