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CC Canada January 2022 Newsletter

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

Over the Hills and Through the Woods

Greetings every beautiful heart in Canada!

We all have something to say about this past year. We all have encountered challenges and changes in all levels of our lives and many of us have experienced loss. From loved ones and friends to careers and identity, we have seen the paradigm shift in real time over the course of 2021. Throughout it all, Connecting Consciousness has been the locomotive gliding on rails of compassion and integrity as we chug along over the hills and through the woods across not just Canada but the entire globe. Currently sitting at over 100,000 members worldwide and almost 5,500 members in Canada, Connecting Consciousness continues to grow and expand while keeping the tracks linked from ocean to ocean.

A great big welcome to all new CC Canada members! We had over 100 Canadians join us in December from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island. Joining CC has never been easier and quick now with the new database and application procedure. We see new members join on a weekly basis now and get connected with their local groups within days of signing up!


Updates and Upcoming

Shine Your Light

As we enter 2022, we welcome a new project to support those wishing to shine their light in their community and beyond! Our goal is to spotlight CC Canada members that are active and paving the way for others to also come forward with their stories, experiences and gifts. It is time we gather together and empower each other as we move towards a 5D world. If you are ready to speak your truth and would be interested in doing an interview 1-on-1 or a Q&A on one of our Zoom gatherings, please contact us and we can discuss what that might look like. We all have something to share and contribute and if you are ready to take the next step to shine your light with us, check out the new page on the website:


New Coordinator Announcement

It is exciting to share that we have a new coordinator joining the team! Please join us in welcoming our new Parent & Family Coordinator Jena! Hello CC!

I am Jena Newton and I am happy to be your Parent and Family Coordinator. I have been a member of CC since 2018 and am now ready to accept the call to do more to assist the Canada team.

I am a mom to 3 boys and walk the aware path to a new earth where all children have true freedom, sovereignty, hope and love. I am here to help connect us all so we can support and encourage each other through this exciting yet challenging transition time on the planet.

I honour your courage, presence, and strength as parents and families and cannot wait to see what we can create for and with our children.

My goal this year is to find Small Group Leaders in each province to help facilitate in person meetups, learning activities/field trips and play events.

I am looking forward to meeting you!

With heartfelt gratitude,



Further Coordinator & Small Group Leader Updates

Currently, we are still seeking provincial coordinators for MB, PEI, NFLD and a territories coordinator for YT, NT, and NU. Filling in these positions are one of CC Canada’s top priorities for 2022. We also welcome those who would like to be a Small Group Leader no matter where you are. Are you looking to host and facilitate In Person Gatherings in your community?

If you are interested in helping or wish to learn more, please review our Coordinator/SGL workshop here:

You can also contact your local or provincial coordinator for further details and information.


Social Media Networks

As we enter a new year, we continue to keep the connections strong with 3 main ways to keep updated and informed on all things Connecting Consciousness & CC Canada!

  • Telegram Channel -

    • Weekly postings of the in person gatherings and zoom events (includes links and details)

    • Updates and Announcements

  • Mighty Networks

    • International CC Platform

    • Invites are BACK! If you require an invite, please notify your local coordinator, and they will send you an invite to our CC Canada group on MN!

  • CC Canada Website -

    • Main Hub of everything CC Canada

    • Groups, Forums, Upcoming Events, FAQs and more

Coming Soon

We are building a Social Media page on the website to offer more information and opportunities for connection from ocean to ocean!


January Events


Did you know you can print off a calendar of all CC Canada events for the month? If you are on the website, you can download it here:

Special Interest

In addition to our regular regional and local events, we are excited to see the development of further special interest groups and workshops coming in 2022! Yoga, Growing Food, Parents & Family, Healing Hearts & Souls and the return of our Divine Feminine Workshops are just a sneak peak at some of the gatherings planned for the new year!


Quantum Development Alliance


QDA is composed of provincial coordinators and CC members who meet once monthly to provide updates on specific subgroup projects that explore and collaboratively build alternative pathways in challenging times, with focus advocacy, community building, and aligning within our conscious community. Participating in subgroups opens opportunities for coordinators and members alike to be of service through drawing upon their existing expertise, knowledge, and passions while simultaneously nurturing the development of other skill sets that may be of interest. *Taken from the QDA page on the CC Canada website*

CC Canada Humanitarian Projects Team

The project ideas coming from CC Canada members have been some of the most exciting developments within Connecting Consciousness! With the better part of 100 project ideas and proposals on deck to be submitted for Simon’s review, this support team has done a wonderful job to connect those who are working on similar projects together to collaborate and nurture the proposal process. One of the benefits of working with the CC Canada Humanitarian Projects Team is the access to expert service and guidance in assisting with each project from the idea stage to submission on the CC website. If you have a project idea you would like to share and are interested in receiving support to submit your proposal, please check out the Project Proposal Page on the CC Canada website:

Coming Soon

Get Involved in the QDA!

We are working on an efficient pathway for members to explore their options on how they would like to get involved in this beautiful team. This will include sub-pages for each team, descriptions and further information and positions/roles available. Keep posted for further opportunities to contribute and help us grow and expand our services and supports across the country!


CC Monthly Spiritual Topic: Empathy and Compassion

Many people within CC would describe themselves as sensitive or ‘empaths.’

Empathy and compassion are often misunderstood emotions. Some people view these emotions as negative and a drain on their energy while others view empathy and compassion as a gift. This month we will deep dive into empathy and compassion and the impact they can have on ourselves, others, and the collective. defines empathy as: “the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another,” and compassion as, “a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.” Compassion can be thought of as empathy with an added component of action.

How can you offer empathy and compassion while also maintaining personal boundaries to avoid being sapped by another person’s energy? Can we create the intention of getting in tune with another person, without losing oneself in the process?

Cultivating an awareness that the feeling you empathize with is not your own allows you to be compassionate without taking on someone’s lower frequency. You can offer compassionate action—deliver food; offer a kind word, smile, or prayer; or direct light and healing energy to someone in pain—while remaining in a heart-centered space. Aligning with your heart allows you to relate to what another is going through and to offer help without taking it on as your own.

Because we are all connected, expressing empathy and compassion helps raise the vibration of ourselves, others, and the collective.


With a year behind us and a new year in front of us, it is ours to create. Ours to build. Ours to implement. Everyone has a voice to be heard and ideas to be shared. This is the year of shining our light so bright, we will make the sun envious of our glimmer! How do we do this? We must all step out of our comfort zones of what has kept us from stepping into our true potential. All of us can struggle with this. That C-Zone can feel warm and safe like being under a blanket by the fire. Why would we want to change that? To manifest the changes we wish to see around the country and throughout the world. To join together with our brothers & sisters in light to overcome these manufactured fear tactics and narratives. Community is how we will stand united and solid. Unwavering through this storm and prepared for any challenge or adversity. Are you ready to step out from your C-Zone and into the unknown? Into the divine timing of the universe? Are you ready to forgive and trust yourself? Are you ready to be who you were meant to be? Are you ready to Shine Your Light? Joining Connecting Consciousness was the first step you’ve taken because you felt a calling to join a movement that will shake the foundations of our society. Step into 2022 with us and be prepared to Shine Your Light for the world to see!

Be and Grow in Enlightenment

Love and Gratitude

All is Well

So be it


CC Canada Coordinator Team

647 views2 comments


Greg Auclair
Greg Auclair
Jan 19, 2022

No Co-Ordinator's questions and answers from Simon?


Billie Jean
Billie Jean
Jan 06, 2022

soon Canada will be Free from all the corruption, and we all shall see Freedom, Compassion and Love for all of Creation, this is so exciting.

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