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Holiday 2020 Update

Greetings Everyone!

This is just a quick update of what has been happening in CC Canada and some exciting projects coming up over the horizon! We of course all experienced the tremendous conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the Winter Solstice Dec. 21 2020 and it was wonderful to see CC friends all over the world usher in the true Age of Aquarius in their own way connecting with Mother Earth. The darkness cannot hide in the Light. Together we will shine brighter than the brightest star.

As we move into this winter, remembering we are not alone in this battle of good vs evil is of utmost importance. We can get exhausted with the constant bombardment of dense news and family and friends who may question your sanity. We are moving through a shift that hasn't been felt before and we are all experiencing side effects more intensely as the days and weeks pass. Let us celebrate and be grateful for we have chosen to take part in this awakening of hearts, minds and souls.

We recognize this unique holiday year when we may not be able to spend it with loved ones so CC Canada is offering a simple afternoon Christmas Gathering on Dec 25 at 2:00pm EST/11am PST. Join us as we celebrate how far we have come as a group in 2020, the cultivation of relationships and the journey we have before us in 2021. Grab your hot chocolate and snuggle up with your CC Canada family this Christmas!

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